I am a graduate of the College of Lake County massage therapy program and a member of ABMP (American Bodywork & Massage Professionals).
I am passionate about massage therapy and devoted to helping my clients feel their absolute best.
I frequently take continuing education courses to help me stay current with massage therapy techniques and better help my clients.
Massage therapy is not only a relaxing experience but also helps the body stay balanced through the effects on the circulatory, lymphatic and other systems and leaves the body in a better position to regulate its inner environment.
“When you do what you love, it’s not work anymore.” – J. Balvin

Why the name Silver Birch?
I grew up having a fondness for birch trees. My grandfather had a farm in WI and there were birch trees everywhere. One year when visiting, my father brought home a seedling, and planted it in our front yard. It was my favorite tree.
After naming my massage business Silver Birch, I looked up the folklore of birch, and it was meant to be. You see, in ancient folklore, the birch came to symbolize renewal. After glaciers took out entire forests, birch were one of the first trees to grow back.
Birch has and still is used for medicinal purposes. The leaves and sap were used to treat kidney stones, rheumatism and gout. The sap was used for skin conditions. And the bark was said to ease muscle pain when applied externally.
“Beneath you birch with silver bark
And boughs so pendulous and fair,
The brook falls scattered down the rock:
And all is mossy there.” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge